THE HELP SYSTEM: HOW TO USE HELP: Most of the operations in the system have help screens assigned to them. For all of the functions that do have help screens assigned to them, the access is F1. When F1 is pressed, either a scrolling help system will appear or a small idea box will pop up. < End of THE HELP SYSTEM > _____________________________________________________________________ LOG ONTO SYSTEM: HOW TO LOG ON: Move the menu bar to LOG ONTO SYSTEM and press enter. At the new screen move the menu bar to the user that you want to activate and press enter. If successful, the white text on black background on the main menu screen will display the user that is logged on and that user's level; otherwise, NONE will be displayed for the user and access is denied to everything except QUIT, LOG ONTO SYSTEM, and SYSTEM HELP. ABOUT LOG ON: If this is the first time the program is to be used, the password for user (OWNER) is (MASTER). It is advised that the password for master be changed to another password and that you write the password down and save it somewhere. To LOG OFF of the system select any user and press enter. ** NOTE, all passwords are case sensitive. < End of LOG ONTO SYSTEM > ________________________________________________________________________ PASSWORD PROTECTION: ABOUT PASSWORD PROTECTION: There are two functions under password protection. One is the password editor, which allows a database owner to assign users, user passwords, and user access level. NOTE - the users assigned will appear in the log on box. The other function is the access class. This function allows a user to customize the program for what level functions the users will be capable of accessing. < End of PASSWORD PROTECTION > _______________________________________________________________________ CREATE DATABASE: ABOUT CREATE DATABASE: Create database allows users to easily create databases to be used by this system or other systems that use X-BASE type databases. < End of CREATE DATABASE > _____________________________________________________________________ MODIFY STRUCTURE: ABOUT MODIFY STRUCTURE: Modify structure allows users to modify X-BASE databases by field deletion, field insertion, or field addition. Also, users are allowed to change field types and field lengths. < End of MODIFY STRUCTURE > ______________________________________________________________________ EDITOR/QUERY: ABOUT EDITOR/QUERY: EDITOR/QUERY allows user to locate, sort, and do math routines on databases by using menu driven structured techniques. The user has the option to load as few or as many fields from a database as desired. Also, the user may do simple utility functions to the database - pack and zap. Data entry may also be performed if desired. < End of EDITOR/QUERY > ______________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM UTILITIES: ABOUT SYSTEM UTILITIES: System utilities allow users to delete files or copy files by menu driven options via following the paths through the system. < End of SYSTEM UTILITIES > ___________________________________________________________________ ASCII FILE EDITOR: ABOUT ASCII FILE EDITOR: This is a simple word processor. Users are able to open and alter existing files on the system, and users are able to create new files on the system. NOTE - all of the help files were written on this system. If there is some user defined help that a user would like to include in the help, it is as easy as opening the file and making the modifications. < End of ASCII FILE EDITOR > _______________________________________________________________________